Claudia Moreira Salles

- Type Coat Rack
- Date 2017
- Dimensions 250 x 250 x 1600 mm
- Weight 35.49 kg
- Material Branco Vigária Marble
- Edition Limited (16+3)
Made in Portugal using Portuguese stone.
Prototype developed for the First Stone programme, for Assimagra.
100% recyclable.
Mancebos (coat racks) are pieces destined to remain hidden by coats, purses and other paraphernalia. When exposed, they function as sculptures waiting to be covered. The Mancebo Angras seeks to distance itself from the more common form of this type of object, which is usually made up of vertical rods, supported by a tripod with protruding arms or hooks. This piece stands out because of its material and shape. Marble slabs with indented edges that function as hooks are placed at 90-degree angles. The weight of the stone provides the necessary stability. The white marble offers greater resistance and the lack of contrasting veins creates a harmonious relationship between the surface and the shape.